About the Business
From here you can view our stock, check out our car and van servicing information, book a service online, find out information about our company and why people come back again and again to buy cars, vans, servicing and repairs.
You can also browse some of our customer testimonials left by happy customers over the years. We really strive to be better than the average car dealer and aim to be friendly, courteous, skilled, knowledgeable and above all honest in our dealings, whether that be in our car and van sales department or at our car and van servicing and repairs workshop.
Feel free to have a good browse around. Our stock pages include a wealth of detail of our 'in stock' vehicles. Please note that many cars and vans never reach this page as they are sold beforehand so do register your interest with us if you don't see exactly what you want.
Location & Hours

27 Water Lane